ich bin drin (Halle/Leipzig) /// Comment of the jury: "The project ich bin drin (I'm in) is, together with Exterritories, a further contribution to the theme of migration as a consequence of economic processes. It takes the imbalance between the reality of the global money and commodities flow as well as the migration of work and workers' opportunities to move as a beginning point, and subversively points out the expedients and media with which western industrial nations' rigid asylum and immigration laws should be skirted in order to deliberately support migration. Vehicles with comfortable hiding places for illegal immigrants, information for those who aid the entry of immigrants, care packages for those crossing borders, support for adoption as well as an agency for fictitious marriages are all on the authors' project list.
This project sees a liberalizing of immigration policies as a central way of creating new impulses for growth in shrinking cities. In addition, it actively counters nationalist and racist sentiments which are often stirred-up by right-wing agitators in the economically weak areas surrounding shrinking cities. The authors of ich bin drin suggest creating an internet platform as a way of spreading the image of a multi-ethnic Germany."