Cities are shrinking all over the world! /// Shrinking cities are a cultural challenge to us. In the Shrinking Cities project, architects, academics and artists investigate recent developments in Detroit, Ivanovo, Manchester / Liverpool and Halle / Leipzig - and make suggestions.

Shrinking cities is a project (2002-2008) of the Federal Cultural Foundation, under the direction of Philipp Oswalt (Berlin) in co-operation with the Leipzig Gallery of Contemporary Art, the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation and the magazine archplus.

Project shrinkung cities has been finished. Inquiries about the project and follow-up activities should be adressed to project office Philipp Oswalt.

www.città in contrazione /// 
www.シュリンキング・シティ――縮小する都市 /// 
www.Обезлюдяващи се градове /// 
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