Awarded Projects 9

Resize (Halle/Leipzig) /// Comment of the jury: "In contrast to the project DE-tro-It, the entry resize formulates a sarcastic commentary to our relationship to statistics. The strength of this project, however, is that behind this sarcasm there lies a constructive concept for the inclusion of people in planning processes. 

In Dadaist manner innumerable fictional statistics are produced, which in their mimic-like language actually imitate and make fun of statistics. The excessive desire to express reality in numbers is reduced to absurdity. Instead of making things more understandable, reality is deconstructed into single phenomena which have no connection to one another. In this way, for example, taxi drivers, Easter bunnies and single women are statistically recorded. Museums for all of these empirically recorded individual phenomena are proposed, which would then be combined into a National Museum of Statistics.

This National Museum should be opened at the exhibition in Leipzig as part of the Gallery for Contemporary Art, curators employed and a civic action group founded. The project's goal ultimately aims at the involvement of the individual, who is not viewed as an active participant in statistical investigations. It is not absolute data but the discovery of the attributes of particular phenomena which should be the focus, in order to find the proper relationship between people and their environment, and to support their active involvement. A first step in this direction is to actively deal with one's own piece of the world."